Wednesday, March 7, 2012

KONY 2012

I don't have much to do or say about this. I'm leaving the video link and I strongly suggest you watch it. It is 30 minutes long, but it's heart breaking and it is exactly what the world is outside of our "beautiful" America. I'm not asking for you to watch and become a die hard supporter, but know who this guy is and expose him. Make Kony famous in 2012. I for one have been a supporter of Invisible Children for a couple years. I've never took measures, like: blogging, donating, and networking the foundation, but the debut of this video a couple days ago has made me flash back and regain control of what my intentions were. I, like many, just want to make him known. Ask your parents or friends about him and educate them!! Make him known! It's all about exposing and restoring.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Burned bridges are hard to travel back on

You know, I thought I had people half way figured out. I was wrong.
I was far away from being right. Anything you do now a days is never enough and that takes a toll on emotions. Once you set that bridge up in flames, there is normally no repairing it. It is one of those things that no matter what you do, you'll never cross back. I guarantee you are going to need me sometime either sooner or later. And I dare you. I double dog dare you to TRY to come back for help. Ha it's going to be funny. That's for sure.