Sunday, January 16, 2011

The 8 Irresistible Principles of FUN!

First watch that. Yes, that. Right there. ^^

fun –noun 1. something that provides mirth or amusement

So either you finished watching, OR you just decided you didn't need to. Well, your choice completely, but it's actually pretty "eye-opening". 

Let's start with Principle 1:
  • GET FOCUSED. Stop hiding who you really are.
I couldn't stress how many people I know, including myself, lie to their self about who they really are. I am a fine one to wake up one day and think "Hey, you know what..I'm going to go out today and the rest of my life and be a better person." Now, it may work for that day, but the rest of my life? It take some serious mental strength to be able to change yourself. Have you ever thought that maybe..just maybe you are just fine. By that I mean, maybe you don't NEED to change. It's very possible..

  • GET FOCUSED. Start being intensely selfish.
Selfish..most people try not to be this way. Sometimes, though, you need to be. Coming home from a long day at school and basketball, I need to just lay down, reevaluate my performance of the day. I think about what really mattered, and what didn't. If I don't find it extremely important, I don't worry. You have to take time to figure out what it is that makes you happy, and indulge in it!

  • BE CREATIVE. Stop following the rules. 
 Go wild. Not buck wild, pursue, but have fun! Don't break your back trying to follow something exactly! For example, don't color outside the lines. Who even said that? I don't know. Do you? Yeah, didn't think so. So don't stress it. Like stated, be creative. Don't let what somebody says stop you from being you and living to your absolute potential.

  • BE CREATIVE. Stop scarring yourself.
This couldn't hit home more. Take adventures! Make risks! Not seriously dangerous ones, but have fun with. (Noticing the pattern Someone ask you on a rafting trip, what are you going to do? Are you going to go? Are you going to stay home and sulk inside where it's safer? C'mon guys. Don't be party poopers! Get out there. DO something. Do something dangerous ;)

  •   USE YOUR WISDOM. Stop taking it all so damn seriously.
Simple as that. If it bothers you at that moment, it's more than likely going to bother you later. So why ponder it? Let it go through one ear and out the other. Life's a game. You've got to learn to play it. I also take things very very seriously, so this advice is aimed toward me too! No need to feel alone here :) The famous quote that so many people have "lived" by is a little something like "Don't take life seriously, no one gets out alive anyway." It's the truth. There's a time to be serious and a time to be relaxed, but if you ask me, 80% of your life should be relaxed. Now that's not exact, but don't let things get to you. Simple as that.

  • USE YOUR WISDOM. Start getting rid of the crap.
Do it. Think about some good memories you've had in the past. Think about the future. Think about the present! Just don't think about the crap that's weighing you down! Get rid of it. Say you're having some drama at school or what have you, just be the bigger person. Accept faults, apologize, accept apologies, etc. Just GET OVER IT. The longer you drag it on, the less happiness in your life. Main point: Cut the clutter.

  • TAKE ACTION. Stop being so busy!
This is my lesson here. I've seen some of the happiest people in the world everyday. You know what most of them do? Enjoy life. Day to day. They don't have a schedule book that has to plan everything out for them because they have room for flexibility. They have room to just sit down and breathe. Me, however, I'm not that person. I have to have something going on to be happy. Maybe you're like me. Some people must be busy to have fun..or vise-versa. Whatever person you are..just enjoy life.

  • TAKE ACTION. Start something.
Do that English project that is due in a week. Why not? What's stopping you? Facebook? Myspace? Twitter? flash: those things are going to be there tomorrow..and the next day...and the next day...and so on. Just buckle down, get it done, and then, POOF. No more project for you. Procrastination. Something everyone has taken a part in. Don't sit there and think "Who is she? She don't know me! I never procrastinate!" Okay. Shut up. That's a lie. It's easy to lie to yourself, but it's just as easy to get what needs to be done, done. So..quit reading this and go finish whatever it is you kids do these days. ;)

Not going to lie to you. I'm sure half of the people, if any, who read this, don't really care and will forget this tomorrow. Hey, suite yourself. I'm just throwing out my personal information on this topic. After all, I'm only a freshman, what could I have possibly experienced?
BUT for those of you, who found that vid. helpful to your life, thank you for accepting a little insight from a few helpful people! :D

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