Monday, May 9, 2011

Self Worth

There are always people in the world that are going to bring you down or at least try to. These people may be strangers, neighbors, "friends", boyfriends/girlfriends, or even family members. I know I would rather a complete stranger try to bring me down. Something about people close to me telling me that I'm not good enough isn't really something I want to hear.

I'm going to try my best not to type a novel right here, but then again I make no promises. 

Sometimes people try to joke around and make fun of you or put you down, but it's not a joke to you. It cuts deep. VERY deep. I can almost guarantee some person just read that and thought "Yeah, right! Get thicker skin. Just get over it." News flash: Some people aren't as high and mighty as you. If there's one thing I absolutely cannot stand, (Well, just one. There's many others) it's when people try to act big and tell you how to live or how to deal with things. We're all different. Sometimes we just need to be heard. Not preached to. 

I've expressed myself a lot through this blog in the past few months, so I think I'll continue. Suicide. It's one of those awkward subjects no one wants to talk about. Too bad, I am. I've thought about it. Not going to lie. Why you ask? People assume because I come off cocky, because I "have it all", because I excel in sports and academics, because I try to be happy all the time, etc., that I'm an amazing wonder wall and they can fire their shots at me. No. I'm a person, I have feelings. I have thin skin. I take most things personally. It's a problem. Before you tell me to fix it, fall back. Way back. People I know and even people I don't know have said things to me that really really reaaaaally burn. -NOTE: I am not trying to be portrayed as a victim here! I'm sharing my story, so others can and will relate.- Now, back to business. I'm not saying that when someone calls me ugly I automatically want to kill myself. By no means is that what I am saying. However, when I continuously get attacked by these kind of people, it adds up. You can't just "shake it off". Not that easy.

Self worth. What this whole thing is about. I've had to remind myself, I've had to find spiritual hope, I've had to get close friends to remind me. WE ALL HAVE SELF WORTH. Self worth is a term used in psychology to reflect a person's overall evaluation or appraisal of his or her own worth. The fact that any of us could come to the solution of death by ourselves is plain awful. It happens everyday, though. I am not about to push the bible on you, just a fair warning. However, I will say, there is not a single person on this entire planet that should ever make you feel like being dead would make everyone else happier! It's not true. This is a rather drastic analogy, but remember the "Don't let them know it got to you, it'll just make them feel successful." It's true that when someone starts a rumor about you or insults you, they aren't probably looking to try to kill you, but they are looking for you to be upset. If you sacrifice your own life you are just saying "Hey. You won. Deuces." I know for a fact, it's not worth it.

I guess you could say I have had my fair share of problems in the self worth department. I've been pushed down and kicked around while I'm down. And ya know, it always seems like that hand reaching to help you up is the one that'll shove you back down later. My advice on this problem: Figure out what it is you can do that will make you feel better. Obviously, mine is typing. Find yours. Singing? Shooting hoops? Running? It's out there. Find it and make yourself whole again. On your own, with no help. It's possible. I promise.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great blog Casey. I'm sorry you're going through this stuff, but you've definitely found your way to release it all and hopefully help others. If I have one thing to tell you, it would be this... Don't pay attention to the haters. They only knock people down and start rumors to make themselves feel good at the expense of others. you're an amazing girl and there are way more people who want you to stay than there are who want to see you go. don't ever forget this. love you

